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A Nice Problem to Have... But I Still Need Your Help

It's becoming a tradition for hubs and I to collect our spare change throughout the year in a milk bottle/carafe thing and come January (at least this year and last year it was January) we split up the coins at the local Coinstar machine.  Instead of taking straight cash (for which they charge like a 9% fee), you can get an eCertificate to places like iTunes, Amazon, GAP stores, etc...  Last year, I put all my money into iTunes, but this year I got smart and split it up and it was miraculous how it worked out--$25 to Amazon, $25 to iTunes!!  (Hubs couldn't find a place he wanted so he took straight cash of $55 and some odd cents which he will probably take to some outdoor store to buy a new Duck Decoy)
Not too bad for a year's collection in a milk bottle!! Who knew?!?!

So here's my problem: narrowing down my choices.  Obviously I am going to get books from Amazon because to this brain, that's all they sell ;)

Some of the titles I'm considering:
Nightshade: Book 1 Anna and the French Kiss Firelight Incarceron 
The Lost Saint: A Dark Divine Novel Unearthly (Unearthly - Trilogy) The Iron King (Harlequin Teen) Matched

The list really does go on and on.... because there are still so many books that have yet to be released--I'd just need patience for that!!  (plus I really should be looking out for my 2011 Reading Challenge we're going to host at bookrushed.com! But I'll do a post on that later this week ;)  Let's not even mention the STACK of books in my TBR pile here at home and the new stack of books I've won from blog contests (a post on that coming as well!).

So, what say you?  Any votes for which 3 books my list should be narrowed down to??  Feel free to throw some at me that aren't on the list--if you loved it, tell me.  

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