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Better homes and gardens

After being guardedly optimistic I am now pretty excited because it looks like we've got ourselves a new Monkey Central on our hands.

We saw a house on Sunday and we both liked it very much. So we went back and looked at it again yesterday for about an hour and a half. Then we decided that the price, the house, and the neighborhood was right so we decided to make the owners an offer.

We had been holding off making offers until we found out if the people buying our place had a buyer for their place and we found out this Monday that they did, so we decided to jump in and start negotiating on houses we liked. And we liked the house we saw on Sunday and saw again yesterday. Sure, it's not perfect and we'll have to do some remodeling to get it the way we want it but the potential on this place is huge. It's in a solid neighborhood and it's a sturdy house that was built in the late '60's and it has a modern retro feel to it.
The dining room.

We knew the owners were motivated to sell so we offered a bit less than they were asking, but we didn't low ball them. They made a counter offer that was slightly higher than our offer and yet still below their original asking price and we accepted their counter offer. We have not officially closed yet and we still have to get a home inspection done but if it passes inspection and there are no termites, then it looks like we'll be moving soon.
A view of the sun porch that's off the dining room.

Sparky is super excited about the new to us place. She's been dreaming of getting a real house almost since the day we moved into this condo. I'm excited as well because I can put in a garden in the backyard and the lawn upkeep doesn't look like it's going to be too much of a problem.

There's a ton of stuff to do to, packing, hiring a moving company, filling out paper work, switching the cable, the electricity, etc, so we'll be pretty busy for the next few weeks. If everything goes smoothly maybe we can be in the new to us house by the end of September. Keep those finger, toes, and prehensile tails crossed for us as we navigate this process.

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