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Blog hopping

Via skippy, comes a really good explanation of net neutrality.

Via Stone Soup
, a great idea for a protest action against satellite surveillance from the infinitely creative Rory Block.

The Pime Collective, tells us about a fabulous protest action that is simple and doesn't tie up traffic. It appears to have started up as a one day protest now that they have their own propaganda film, it appears it will become an ongoing project.

And via The Heretik, here's the quote of the day from a judge's decision criticizing the rampant use of National Security Letters.
“A ban on speech and a shroud of secrecy in perpetuity are antithetical to democratic concepts and do not fit comfortably with the fundamental rights guaranteed American citizens,” wrote Judge Cardamone. “Unending secrecy of actions taken by government officials may also serve as a cover for possible official misconduct and/or incompetence.”
This is one of two decisions in favor of the restoration of constitutional principles in government and Heretik predicts common sense is making a comeback. One can only hope it's not to late to save our republic.

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