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The snow arrived this morning
 Just a sprinkling
and now it's all gone
 My new dies arrived yesterday
Just a few using old Christmas cards
These are going to be useful
 I love the fine lace designs,
I have been busy this morning, sorting out my large drawer with my craft cards in, I had loads of hand made cards, which I made years ago, they are now to basic for me to send, so some are ready for the charity shops and the rest have been binned. So instead of every thing being packed tightly into the drawer, now it's all sorted and neat. I will be able to find loads of different cards to use as the base for my home made cards.
It's better than Christmas, I have cards I forgot I had! I will not need to buy any more this year.
I had a couple of comments about how green my fingers are, but I only show you the healthy plants, I have loads of sick looking plants as well. With regards to growing the lemon and lime pips, I read a tip which said if you wash the pip until it is clean, and then plant on top of the soil in a warm sunny spot. it worked for me.
I'm picking both Josh and Sam up from school this afternoon, so loads of laughter soon.
Keep warm if you can.

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