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The House (2011)

WHO: Zuzana Liová wrote and directed this.

WHAT: I have not seen this, so here's the opening of Eric Prindle's review:
The House (Dom), a recent Slovak film written and directed by Zuzana Liová, offers a nuanced take on the familiar coming-of-age genre, setting itself apart with carefully drawn characters confronting non-ideal circumstances in intriguing but believable ways.  
WHERE/WHEN: Tonight only at the Roxie at 7:00

WHY: This screens as part of a national-focused touring screening series called "Czech That Film"- the series ends tomorrow with a film called In The Shadow. These are not to be confused with a French film also screening this week at the Roxie, In The House by François Ozon.

Both of the remaining screenings in this series are in fact co-productions between the Czech and Slovak film industries, which were frequently grouped together in the pre-1992 period, but which in fact were separate, if cross-pollinating, even then. Two of the three so-called "Czech New Wave" films screening at the Pacific Film Archive this summer in fact can be claimed as "Slovak New Wave" films as they were made by Slovak directors: The Cremator by Juraj Herz and The Maple And Juliana by Štefan Uher.

HOW: The House screens via a 35mm print.

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