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Matter Powers

I continue to plug away here. back to fiddling with the Random Powers Tables which are maybe 80% done now. At least until I change my mind again. Anyway, I'm going to be taking most of next week off to play with the kids, but I thought I might just post the tables for another category today to give more of the sense of where things are headed.

Table 4 is Matter Powers.

(Yes, I just noticed that I have Table 4.1 mislabelled as 2.1. Oh well).

I'm still not sure about Exotic Matter.  That seemed neat when I wrote it, but looking at it now, I think I would be stumped as a player if I rolled it.  And that's counter to the purpose of the tables which is to spur the thought process.  Otherwise, I think that I've hit about what needs to be hit here.  

Love to hear what anybody thinks.

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